Beginner Tips to Axe Throwing

It’s the latest trend. You’ve heard about it, you’ve seen the posts, but haven’t tried it out yet… Axe throwing. It’s not something you can just pick up and start… throwing. Well, you could but we thought we would help better prepare you for it.  Here are some tips and tricks to get you ready for your first AXE-perience.

First things first, safety. Most venues will have instructions and ground rules that must be followed. LISTEN up and pay attention to avoid any accidents. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings. Make sure there’s never anyone in front or behind you before throwing. Try to maintain at least a six-foot radius between you and the target or those around you. If you’re throwing with a partner, be sure to throw axes together and retrieve axes together.

Next, let’s talk axe throwing stances. You’ll take one of two stances: two- handed or one.

A two-handed stance requires you to line the axe up directly in line with the bullseye. You can always adjust the distance depending on the rotation of the axe. If you’re going one-handed, you want to line up your throwing shoulder with the bullseye instead. Because we’re talking beginner’s tips, start with a two-handed stance. It’s much easier and more effective.

Keep your grasp gentle on the base of the handle. The harder you grip the ax, the more difficult it’ll be to let go while keeping the axe straight. Bring the axe directly over your head as if throwing a soccer ball back into play. You want to keep your wrist and elbows locked. Just extend your arms out forward and release the axe at eye level. One of the biggest mistakes newbies make is the flick of the wrist when releasing, DON’T. Just let it go! You want the blade to hit parallel to the board. If the tip of the ax hits, you may want to step a bit closer, and if the base hits, take a step or two back.

PRACTICE makes perfect. Find your rhythm and adjust where needed. Are you ready to try Axe Throwing for yourself? Visit Allevity and our Axe-perts will teach you everything you need to have a fun experience.